This announcement needs a prologue. I’m sorry I haven’t posted in a couple of months, but I have a reason.

This summer, I moved from my home in Sofia, Bulgaria to Budapest, Hungary. I’ve been in transition for about a month now and in denial before that. It’s still a little hard for me to handle, but I’m getting there.

A good friend of mine that I look up to, said this about transition: “Transition” sounds so easy.  It’s not, though.  It’s like a roller coaster; sometimes there are fun parts and other times your head gets knocked around and you just want off the ride.  In the end, though – you get to have bragging rights – ‘I DID IT!!!'”

So, to celebrate my life on the rollercoaster now, I’m making a list of GOOD and BAD. Except, I’ve decided to shake it up and make it the SPLENDID and the BLAH

Splendid: Our apartment is so pretty and in the middle of the city.

Blah: We have to get up early for school, since it’s forty minutes by car.

S: There is a lovely tea shoppe by us, that I can go to and do my homework.

B: I don’t like my school.

S: I take choir and volleyball.

B: My classes are dull.

S: I’m learning a new language!

B: The school is in an ignorance bubble.

S: Budapest is pretty

B: I miss the mountains.

S: The girls are welcoming and nice.

B:  I miss my friends.

S: I can watch TV via Skype with Voldemort.

B: It’s not really the same.

So there’s my list. And my excuse. I’ll try to remember to post at least three times a week, maybe more. 🙂 You’ll get tired of me yet!

~The StoryWeaver